Dave Fetrow (
Tue, 19 Apr 94 13:11:36 BST

> Who/what is IETF?   Is this a list I should be interested in?

 IETF	Internet Engineering Task Force

 The folks that brought us TCP/IP and are now working on the IPng version.

 (Internet Protocol, The Next Generation)
 A much larger address space and security-with-ethernets-in mind will be
 part of well as working with the current scheme. I've been through
 this kind of shift once before and it isn't a pleasant ride.

 It's a relatively small, mostly-by-invitiation-only type operation and, if
 you think about it, that's the way it has to be.

 Depending on how the address space and routing problems shape up on the
 current internet; it's anywhere from a few years to a decade away from
 implementation. The designs are very very preliminary.


 -dave fetrow